Happy 36th Anniversary to Frank Miller’s THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS... the book that changed Batman and comics forever. Here's the picture previously used for my Bio page... an homage to the original DKR cover.
No Spoilers here... maybe I'll do a full review later once it's officially out.
I was at the early IMAX preview tonight and highly recommend going to see The Batman on March 4th... an amazing movie! Also... don't forget where all the Bat-Goodness came from👇
"I left Twitter because of Roblox. Or rather I made the decision when I was telling my 7 year old off because she was playing it too much and I realised I was standing holding my wife's phone (I don't own one) and looking at a comic-book creator randomly and angrily swearing at no-one in particular that they should wear a mask and a hashtag calling for the firing of a lady who reads the news on British TV for something I can't even remember. I actually paused and wondered what the Hell I was doing. I was living in The Matrix, getting angry or delighted by nothing in particular while dead-eyed Jack Dorsey sits back in his giant electric egg and feeds on our passions like they're M&Ms."
"Basically, I realised that I was completely wasting my time as much as my seven year old was as she built a house in Brook Haven, but as a man I should know better. So I logged off, handed the account over to our brilliant marketing team in LA (who run our Facebook and Instagram pages) and stepped back into the real world." If a fan film like Rafael Segnini's can produce results like this, why hasn't someone turned Shogun Warriors into a film franchise yet? The short is a fan-film for the 1985-1986 Japanese tokusatsu series Space Wolf Juspion. The title of the video in English, “Juspion 3D: Transformation of Daileon/Mad Gallant – Definitive Preview,” also refers to Daileon, the massive ship that turns into a robot, and Mad Gallant, the evil metal man whom Juspion fights later in the short.
And if it seems like Juspion’s look is familiar to you, it’s because it’s part of Toei’s larger series Metal Heroes, some of which Saban adapted into VR Troopers and Big Bad Beetleborgs. He even uses the Daileon song, as sung by Akira Kushida. Will probably take a few years for everyone to forget the Pacific Rim movies anyway! 😁
Marvel's The Punisher drops some truth by suggesting a one-night-stand with a vigilante is preferable than dating a drummer... Well, that's a tough one to dispute. From The Punisher Season 2 Episode 1
Stan had the gift of making readers feel like they were part of a community and there was never a better ambassador for the entire comics industry.
Any writer would love to have the amount of hits he had... Spider-Man, the Hulk, Doctor Strange, the Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Black Panther, and the X-Men (co-created with artists Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Don Heck, Gene Colan and John Romita) Stan’s presence has been in my life since the mid-70’s... he was a true legend.
The 'Justice League' and 'Justice League Unlimited' animated series got it right way back in 2001-2006. I mentioned something similar in my previous post, The REAL Batman Superman Movie, and felt the need to post an alternative after watching the 2017 Justice League release. The two animated series were from the team of Bruce Timm and Paul Dini who had already created a successful shows each for Batman and Superman. The movie juggles multiple heroes and villains while still pushing pushing the story along. You actually care about the characters and believe that there is some logic what motivates them. So if you're feeling bummed after watching the recent Justice League movie, then sit back and full screen this far superior version of the JLA. |